My baby girls are two years old. Crazy! They are the cutest little things. Here are some fun pictures and some of the adorable things that they are up to these days.
Lizzy and Robyn are convinced that they are princesses. Well, at least Robby is pretty sure about it :)
If you incorrectly name a Disney princess they will be sure to set you straight.
I love walking down the stairs after getting ready for the day and being called a princess by my two little cuties. We had to explain to them that daddy isn't a princess too. Now they call him "handsome daddy" instead :)
They are such good big sisters.
They love little Lincoln so much. He is their little dolly, and they make sure that he is taken care of with plenty of hugs, kisses, and toys too. I love it when they start talking in little baby voices around him (even more baby then their already baby voices). And every morning they see their little "Lincoln buddy" they are just as excited as the morning before.
So much of our day is filled with singing and dancing, and I love it all.

So much of our day is filled with singing and dancing, and I love it all.

They are filled with so much pure and innocent excitement for everything, it makes me appreciate the little things more too. These girls love to be outside exploring and playing with rocks, pine cones, and anything else they can find. I think their most favorite thing to do is probably feeding the ducks up the canyon. They'll talk about those ducks for days afterwards.
Their favorite colors right now would probably have to be pink! for Robyn (always said with a lot of excitement) and 'lellow' for Lizzy.
My Lizzy and Robby are filled with so much love.
My favorite moments during the day are when Robby comes up to me and says "kisses!" and then gives me a big wet kiss followed by "hugs!" as she wraps her little arms around my neck. Or when Lizzy puts her head on my shoulder, or even holds my face with her hands and says "I love you mommy."
I Love my sweet little angels so much. They have made these past two years amazing.
I love my life :)
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