Saturday, July 30, 2011

3 months

Holy cow my babies are already 3 months old! I can't believe how big they are getting and how much I love them more and more everyday. It's fun to see how they are getting their own personalities.

 This is 3 month old Lizzy. She is all smiles all the time, unless of course she is hungry. She weighs about 12 pounds now and is pretty good about holding her own. She usually sleeps through the night but loves waking up in the morning to nap on her mommy and daddy's bed. She loves her swing and to suck on her hands. Her favorite time of day is when daddy comes home.

This is 3 month old Robyn. She is our silly little girl, but she doesn't like to be left alone. She weighs around a whopping 11 pounds now and loves to eat. She loves to go on walks with her mommy and will fall asleep in your arms. She loves to suck on her hands just as much as her sister does. Her favorite time of day is when daddy gets home too.

I love these little baby girls. They are the best.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

pioneer day weekend

We had a really good weekend. We went to church at an assisted living center and all the ol' grandmas and grandpas were super cute. They kept saying how cute my Lizzy and Robyn are, and can ya blame em'? I mean, look at these cuties.

After church we went to dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Christiansen's place. And as you can see, everybody had a good time.

Sunday night we looked at some baby pictures of me and Peter to see who our babies look like. The weird thing is that I think Lizzy and baby Peter look totally alike, but Robyn doesn't look like baby Peter at all. And yet, Lizzy and Robyn look pretty much identical... how does that work?

baby Peter
 baby Peter and his dad
baby me and sister Ashley

Monday morning we had a yummy pancake breakfast with my family. It was way fun to get together with everybody. But we missed Anthony, Grandma Hill, and the Hanusas.

Grandma Hill wasn't there because she is in Wisconsin helping Ashley with her beautiful new baby boy Rowan. They'll be moving to Wyoming soon and I can't wait to see them and hold baby Rowan when we go up to his blessing in September.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

great day

Today was a great day because it started it out with this...

And it ended with a walk with these two beautiful baby girls looking up at me...

And plus Peter had an extra long lunch so we got to see him lots and lots. It really was a great day :)

Friday, July 22, 2011


A friend of mine from our old ward in Provo has a really neat blog where she posts all kinds of recipes and so I decided to try some of them over the weekend.

I have always wanted to make homemade macaroni and cheese and I thought it would be hard, but this was actually really easy and really good. And as you can see with the salad, Peter and I are trying to eat a little more healthy every once in awhile :)

She also had this recipe for oreo cookies that are suppose to be more like the real thing. I love making cookies and I thought it would be fun to try something new. The turned out alright, but I think I ate way more of them than Peter did.

I also made strawberry jam. I love homemade jams. It tastes just like strawberries... obviously. I think all jams should be homemade. They're the best.

                                        I love trying new recipes.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Camera shy

A little background for this clip: Lizzy was being very talkative and mobile while I was holding her, so I thought I'd shoot some video. I was hoping to catch some of her funny, full-mouth smiles and garbled baby grunts. Instead, I got this...

Our big movie adventure

So I was kinda worried that we wouldn't be able to go and see the new Harry Potter movie until Shane and MarLyn moved back up here and could babysit Lizzy and Robyn for us. Of course, we did not like the sound of that and started to toy with the idea of taking the girls to the theater with us. I was worried about everything that could possibly go wrong and talked myself out of it a couple of times, but after hearing success stories from some other people who had taken their little babies to movies we decided to give it a try.
I'm glad we did it because the girls were really good... well sort of. We gave them bottles right when the previews started and Lizzy just fell right asleep on her daddy's lap. I thought that Robyn was going to do the same, but then she decided that she was more interested in the movie than she was in sleeping. She wasn't fussy, she was actually really happy and very vocal about it. The funniest part was when it sounded like she was cheering for the death eaters. Apparently Robyn is on team Voldemort. I'm sure that we were the only ones that could hear her, but it was still pretty funny.

Lizzy didn't like her 3D glasses very much

Robyn... very much awake.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A typical day with the twins

Most days Peter has school and work so the poor guy doesn't get to see his girls as much as he would like. On the days he works he comes home after school for lunch and we get to see him for a wonderful 2-3 hours before he has to leave again. I love our lunches together, he's so cute when he walks through the door, gives me a kiss, and picks up one of his baby girls.

The rest of the day it's up to me and the girls to make use of our time. A lot of it is spent with me sitting on the living room floor with them because as soon as I leave they start with their cute little baby squats... they don't like to be left alone. We read together, watch cheesy TV shows on Netflix, take naps, eat otter-pops, and I get what house work I can done. Oh, and when I don't forget I do some tummy-time with the girls too :)

Tummy-time with Lizzy and Robby

I love these long beautiful summer evenings because they mean that I can go on nice long walks with my girls. Logan really is a beautiful city. We enjoy walking around Center Street and seeing all of the neat old houses. We go up and down Main Street and look in at all the odd shops. We walk around the tabernacle and up to the temple where there are some amazing veiws of the city. We're actually going to go for a walk in just a few minutes.

The girls in their strollers (they're happy as long as we keep moving)

Pretty view looking down into the Island on one of our walks

But of course the best part of our day is when daddy gets home from work. He helps me put the girls down for the night... which usually leads to him falling asleep on the futan as well :)

Like I said before, I love being able to be home with my girls. They are amazing and I love them so much. Being a mommy is the best.

So I decided to start a blog mostly because I want to share with everyone how darn cute my baby girls are. Lizzy, Robyn, and I spend all day everyday together and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my baby girls. They are the best.