We had so much fun over the summer that we were sad to see it go, but this fall has been a blast too. Peter has been working a whole lot, going to school full-time, and he still makes time to play with me and our silly baby girls. He's such a good daddy, and we're so lucky to have him.
Lizzy and Robyn have been growing up so fast and learning so much. We love hearing what new words they decide to they want to learn, and try to mimic from mom and dad. A few of their favorite words are 'No'(of course said in a sassy-cute way), 'flower,' 'bubble,' 'doggy,' 'apple,' 'boo,' 'oh no!' 'baby,' 'slide,' 'out,' and 'elmo' is probably the cutest.
It's so hard to believe that they are already 18 months old, but with a baby brother coming in just over a month it's probably a good thing...
Here are some of the things we have been up to the past couple of months:
My sisters, mom, and I went on a girls weekend trip up to Idaho Falls. We had such a blast laughing, shopping and dying our hair. It was so great to get away with these ladies :)
The girls started nursery and love it! I thought they would have a little harder time letting Peter and me go at church, but by the tim ewe come and pick them up they don't want to leave.
We like to spend as much time as we can at the park, especially while the weather is still nice. The girls have so much fun on the slides and trying to act like they are big girls.
Pumpkin adventures (or 'boos' as the girls call them).
The girls dressed up like old school Batman and Robin for Halloween, they were the cutest little tutu-ed things that I have ever seen. A special thanks to Grandma Hill and Aunt Ashley for making these adorable little things possible.
At the Harvest festival with Baby Tae
At the Harvest festival with Baby Tae
Pony rides
Ward Party (Peter and I wore shirts that said 'Pow!' and 'Bam!')
Our cute little family this Fall
Thanks Shane and Min for taking some family shots for us! It's been awesome having them so close to us. Lizzy and Robyn absolutely love Baby Tae and start saying her name over and over again whenever they think we are going over to their house.
I love my family and I can't wait for our little man to join us in December. The girls are crazy about babies - their new favorite thing to do is carry their baby dolls around the house and put them down for naps while making little snoring noises - I just hope that love transfers over to a their baby brother. They already like to give my belly kisses when I ask them where the baby is, so I have high hopes for these two big sisters :)
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