Friday, September 30, 2011

5 months

My little baby girls are already 5 months old, it's crazy. They are constantly smiling and giggling, and I love every minute of it.

Lizzy's first giggle with her grandmas.

This is little Robby giggling at her uncle Shane.

 Lizzy is starting to roll around but poor little Robby has to lay between two rice sacks so that she faces to the right (she was having problems with a tight muscle). But she is getting better and pretty soon she'll be rolling around with her sister.
My baby girls are are getting bigger and changing everyday, and I love them more and more ever minute.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

it's dubois

Over Labor Day weekend we went up to a little Wyoming town called Dubois for Ashley's baby Rowan's blessing. They recently moved their from Wisconsin because Aric (her hubby) got a teaching job at the high school. It's great to have them closer and we had a great weekend. My favorite part was probably feeding the girls with Ashley while she fed Rowan. It gave us a lot of time to talk. Here was our weekend in pictures:

Saturday night we celebrated Sharlotte's birthday. It was our first experience being in the cold with the girls, so we had to keep them pretty bundled up.

 Ashley was showing off Shar's new hat and her beautiful baby boy.

 The girls and Rowan had some bonding time too. He's almost two months younger, but I think he's going to catch up to them pretty quick!

 Okay, so this is pretty cool. There is a giant jackalope right across the street from Ashley.


On our way home we stopped in the Tetons for a picnic. It was a gorgeous day and felt great to be outside.

 Robby and Lizzy loved being outside too.

We stopped by Jackson Hole too for a western family photo :)

For our first long road trip with the girls they did pretty good. On the way up they only had to stop once, but on the way back they were done being in the car and we had to stop a lot more often. Poor girls... but we made it home eventually and our happy babies were super smiley and glad to be home.
Thanks for having us Ashley and Aric. We had a great time!

work and play in august

It's been a while since my last post because things got kind busy around here. I started going back to work at the physical therapy clinic at the beginning of August. For a few weeks I was working 20 hours a week, but ever since Peter started up school again I have been going in just once a week and filling in for people when I can. Going back to work was hard. I enjoyed getting out of the house, but leaving the girls even for a few hours was way hard. But it was good for them and daddy to have that alone time. I know Peter loved it.

Even though we were busy with work we still found plenty of time to play. I'll let the pictures do the talking:

Of course, the girls got together with their cousins as often as they could. This is them with their cousin Molly in matching dresses that they got from Aunt Rae.

The girls loved being outside at the ward campout. We didn't stay the night, but we enjoyed the dinner.

The Cache County Fair was a blast too. We can't wait for when the girls love seeing the animals as much as we do :)

We met up with Peter's family and Mandy at the zoo. It was awesome!

We loved hanging out with Mandy and Ari at the zoo!

The girls were always ready to help me out in the kitchen.

And now that Daddy is back in school the girls love visiting him up on campus and looking good in the process.

We also moved at the end of August into an awesome new townhouse (thank you grandma and grandpa Christiansen!) we'll post some pictures as soon as the place looks good :) And Peter turned 24 so the girls helped me throw him a surprise birthday party. August was a busy month, but still so much fun!