Sunday, March 25, 2012

robyn's little adventure

On Friday we took Robyn into the hospital to have a small cyst removed from the back of her head. It wasn't a major surgery or anything, but she still had to be put under an anesthetic. She was such a great little trooper. She didn't even cry once while we were at the hospital. Here are some pictures of my brave little Robyn.

In the waiting room of the surgical center at 6:30am.

In her own private room with mommy and daddy, just waiting for the doctor.
The stuffed animal she has is a koala bear that Peter gave me for Christmas while we were engaged. She just loves that furry little guy.

about 1 hour later...

All done! They kept telling us that she would be fussy when she woke up and that we should be prepared for crying. But after they brought her back to us she just fell back asleep in my arms. Eventually she was more interested with the pink tape on her arm keeping her IV in.
When she was finally fully awake she jumped right out of my arms and was ready to play.

Our brave little Robyn with her daddy, all ready to get back to her sister.

Spring Break 2012

Last week Peter had spring break and so of course that meant no school! He did still have to work a lot, but we love all of the extra daddy time we can get.

Luckily, the weather was pretty nice for most of the week and so we got to spend some time outside with the girls. We started things off right by taking the them to see my old rugby team play against USU. It was fun to see a bunch of my old friends and to show off my cute babies :) As you can see in the pictures, Robby and Lizzy weren't quite sure what was going on:

My girls began to make some big strides in the walking department (pun most definitely intended). We caught some of their first few steps on camera:
Lizzy's video is the one on top and Robyn's is the bottom one. We're assuming that the mysterious flying image in Robyn's video must be her guardian angel...

Later on in the week we took the girls to the park for their first experience on "big girl" swings and they absolutely loved it! 
Seeing those big smiles on their faces and hearing their sweet little giggles is the best thing ever.

We even took them to see a movie and they were perfect angels the whole time.

Being able to do so many things as a family was so much fun. Lizzy and Robyn sure do love it when their daddy is home, and so do I!

We got to end our awesome week by going down to West Jordan to see the newest addition to the Christiansen family. Congratulations Maviny and Kyle! Baby Addi is gorgeous!

Oh! And here are a couple of pictures of my sweet little babes' teeth:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

10 months old, and oh so proud

Here are my babies, 10 months old and very silly.

This past month has been so much fun! My babies are growing up so fast and I love them so much!

I'm pretty sure these little angels will be walking soon. They cruise around the furniture and even walk along side my legs with big smiles on their faces. Lizzy takes great pride in her new standing on her own talent and even took a little step a few days ago.
Another big event this past month is that the girls finally got their first teeth. Robby got hers first and Lizzy followed a week later. They are just getting so big so fast. I'll have to post a picture a little later when I get a good one of their silly teeth.

And now here are a few photos of some of the fun we've been having:

Shopping with the girls has become a new adventure.

  Daddy is in charge of the babes when I go to work, and this is how I find them sometimes when I get home...

We cleaned the sink at Angie's to celebrate Taegan's first month of life-
  The babes were very excited to help out this time.

New discovery - the windows in the kitchen. They just love looking outside.
And Robby loves to make faces.

I taught the girls a new trick with candy robin eggs... they were pretty confused.

The girls are just being super cute while eating their lunch.

Sometimes Lizzy wakes up with crazy hair.

They love to climb up the stairs... now just to teach them to come down carefully.

Fun times playing in the drawers.

I love these two little angels.